Karl A L Smith

human knowledge belongs to the world

User experience benefits

Can real #UX be done in a #global #consultancy?

As with Agile, UX has suffered fools having a go and failing. Focusing on titles, roles, activities or outputs misses the essential process that has not been applied by qualified, able and intelligent people who are able to deliver. No…

5 #UX #lies, damn lies and absolute #myths

1. Anyone can do user experience, nope! I meet a lot of people claiming to do user experience, process and deliverables aside, they don’t have a usability background so they cannot do real user experience. User experience is a personal…

Getting #UX done the UX #engagement #process

UX is a highly complex set of research tools and outputs, the use of which is dependant upon time, cost and the clients willingness to accept them. Question 1, why are you there? If the client were to think in…