Karl Smith is fairly eclectic in his engagement with work and the wide skills he has developed over the years. His educational background includes a Social Sciences including Psychology and Social Anthropology, Industrial and Craft Design, Education and Enterprise Computer Science. He has been recognised for his eminence in Human Centered Design and Business Leadership by the British Computer Society with a Fellowship (FBCS). He has joined the Royal Society of Arts as a Fellow (FRSA) based upon his design background and other philanthropic activities.
Key Opinion Leadership
Karl Smith is a key opinion leader (KOL) with a focus on ecosystems in infrastructures and has been involved in the 5G Forum since 2016. His blog has been going since 2001 and averages 5-6 million views a year and with syndication its nearer 8 million, he has 77,925 followers on LinkedIn, 42,408 on Twitter. He has made a decision to not monetize his audience as he considers it a privilege to be a trusted source of knowledge for so many people.
Voluntary Work
Karl was a volunteer in support of the recent Agile20Reflect Festival taking overarching responsibility for technology as CTO to upskill other volunteers and do the lift and shift from the old to the new web presence. He was involved with Access Agile (the continuation of the Agile20Reflect Festival) with the Access Agile Innovation Forum and the set up of the Access Agile Foundation. He is currently working with Sabrina C E Bruce on the set up and support of the Agile World organisation a 501(c)(3) charity based in California, USA. Agile World is involved in several Initiatives shown here https://agile-world.charity/initiatives/
Agile World Vision is to provide free Agile materials for everyone and reduce the barriers to knowledge and education that otherwise exist for a large proportion of the world because of languages, finances or an individual’s physical location. Agile World is also committed to Practical Agile knowing that it can have a fundamental and positive impact on individuals, communities and businesses by aiding them in everyday life.
Karl has published several books including, Designing for Human Experience, a short guide to Agile Transformation and been one of ten Authors on Agile an Unexpected Journey. He is currently working on several other books including a short guide to Customer Experience, a short guide to Human Stagnation 1920 to 2020 100 years of stasis and a short guide to Agile World the untold story. He has always been fascinated by how technology can augment the lives of humans;
My desire was not to build things that humans already do but to find out how technology could evolve our human experience.
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/karlsmith2/