Karl A L Smith

human knowledge belongs to the world

UbiNET Platform from UbiNET Inc. with cryptocurrency and blockchain 2018 asset sale

The UbiNET Platform is built up from several propositions that each hold a key relationship ecosystem. UbiNET is designated a planet wide system as its architecture is designed for any planet and an in-transit mode for between planets.

thingcoin cryptocurrency coinUbiNET Platform – Blockchain data management of unique id in ThingCoin

UbiNET-c-Token – Corporation (Business) Cryptocurrency that issues ThingCoin’s

UbiNET-p-Token – Person (Individual) Cryptocurrency that issues ThingCoin’s

ThingCoin – Data description of micro-sensor embedded in everything

UbiNET – Planet data token

While the system has been defined using the constructs of blockchain and cryptocurrency they are just the enablers of a complex data system with millions of products and services from full lifecycle recycling to personal security and most importantly personal privacy.

UbiNET Open API Marketplace

UbiNET Inc. will be setting up some of the initial data products for participants but will also establish an open API marketplace for developers to access non personally identifiable data and personal open API for individuals to choose who can access their identification and their transaction details.

UbiNET Asset Sale

In 2018 we will be releasing 200 UbiNET-c-Token at a fixed asset price of $500,000 each given what the do in UbiNET this is a bargain. The money raised will be used to build the first fully functioning UbiNET this is costed as being $100,000,000. At this point the asset sale is set to be in Fiat (USD) to enable businesses to get the Token.

If you would like sign up for one of the 200 coins being offered in 2018 please use the form on UbiNET.

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