Situational Awareness IoT Shopping
Situational Awareness IoT Shopping
Consider, currently we see things we want to buy through advertising or by seeing it in films or when around other people or places.
Why not; while having a coffee with a friend in their house you see a nice bowl and you say ‘buy bowl’. Your personal IoT ecosystem checks the area and finds three bowls, it asks ‘white bowl’ you say ‘Yes’ the bowl is ordered based upon your personal preference which could be Speed, Price, Colour or anything else, for this scenario it’s Speed it locates the nearest supplier and orders it for immediate delivery. You carry on chatting and the bowel is delivered to your home and waiting for you when you get home. Payment is automated, you unpack look at the bowel and say ‘Great Condition’ feedback allocated.
There are more scenarios in our Open Networking Ecosystem Protocol Patent which will be published soon.
Situational Awareness Shopping #UX
I’m just going to get this out there because there is a great deal of lying going on that IoT does not affect the UX profession and E-Commerce business.
IoT system design does not require UX wireframes as the are no GUI’s
The IoT is a complex ecosystem that not only changes interactions but also removes many of the common processes that have been adopted by people to use technology.
Situational Awareness Shopping #UI
Graphic User Interfaces are not a consideration for the IoT as the interactive methods used to select and buy are no longer through container websites, advertising (as a separate activity), payment gateways or any other existing copy of a shop.
digital versions of shops are irrelevant in a society run through situational awareness.