NatWest Agile Transformation History
Ways of Working Agile Transformation at NatWest (The Royal Bank of Scotland) It’s about time that someone wrote up the history of this Ways of Working Transformation since the accounts in circulation bare no resemblance to the facts. I should…
Introduction to Agile from forthcoming Counterfeit Agile book
This is fundamental to understand what Agile is, the benefits it delivers and how to implement it. Agile is fundamentally about moving to a trust relationship with staff and evolving past the industrial revolution practice of overseers for ignorant and unskilled workers.
Agility in business Karl A L Smith talks to Engati CX
Karl A L Smith Co-Founder of Agile World talks about what Is an Agile Organization and shares some examples of Agility in Business. He also talks about the next normal and agile working and how HR can help other departments…
Agile does not Scale it Consumes
Agile does not Scale, first let’s be clear what scaling means, before I’m tarred and feathered. Some Definitions of Scaling Scaling technique is a method of placing respondents in continuation of gradual change in the pre-assigned values. All the scaling…
Agile does not Reduce Headcount
Agile Transformation and Change Agile does not Reduce Headcount no matter who tells you that, this view sets the scene for failure. Unfortunately it’s a lie, best left to marketing materials and companies desperate for work. People who make the…
A Scottish Revolution to Re Energise Agile
Regardless of the state of the world or futility that people may feel at this time something tremendous has been started in Scotland that is touching and building up people all across the world. The reflection at this point on…
New Ways of Working the Human Component
The Agile20Reflect Festival will have created a great focus on the past, present and future of Agile in Feb 2021. Taking that impetus to the next level we want to think wider about how we can establish the principles of…
Organisational Design for Business Agility and Agile Transformation
Some things to understand before getting into the main article. Agile is based on some very human concepts around how to work and what to value. Some of these concepts are exactly the same as UX and are driven by…
Agile an Unexpected Journey Compendium Book
Agile an Unexpected Journey. A Compendium of Agile Biographies How exactly did people get involved in Agile, what did then learn that galvanised them and propelled them into a career in it? This compendium of Agile Biographies by practitioners expresses…
Servant Leadership Experiments in Ways of Working Book
Servant Leadership is not just another fad in business its a critical component of successful adoption of Business Agility. The book covers experiences and anecdotes describing 15 years of implementing Servant Leadership in high pressure, results oriented work environments. It…
Ways of Working Organizational Design Service launched Agile World Inc.
Agile World offers the service of organizational design consultancy, to meticulously define and organize the structure of companies, create job titles, and allocate resources (i.e. personnel) to improve efficiency and increase productivity including ROI.
Amateur Business Agility or Ways of Working will cause Business Carnage
No one would let someone have a go at Brain Surgery yet Company Boards will let both large Blue Chip consultancies (supposedly to manage risk) and Internal Staff (to save money) have a go at Business Agility (Agile Transformation or Ways of Working or Operational Transformation).