Karl A L Smith

human knowledge belongs to the world

digital transformation

A new perspective with Karl A L Smith Interview

Karl A L Smith unpacks the latest technology trends in this episode, a must-listen for business leaders looking to prioritise investment. A new perspective with Karl A L Smith Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts Transcript Speaker 1: Ready to explore…

Introduction to Agile from forthcoming Counterfeit Agile book

This is fundamental to understand what Agile is, the benefits it delivers and how to implement it. Agile is fundamentally about moving to a trust relationship with staff and evolving past the industrial revolution practice of overseers for ignorant and unskilled workers.

Story Points are an Estimation of Complexity not Time

For those that know this about Story Points, none of this post will be surprise, but given the current crop of consultants talking about delivering capabilities and features using story points I think it’s time to restate this simple fact;…

Top 100 Thought Leaders and Influencers to follow in 2020

Karl Smith named in the The Awards Magazine, Top 100 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers to Follow in 2020. Well let’s step back a bit from that, I mean it’s wonderful sounding but what does it actually mean and does it…

Imagine If The Way We Now Live Became Redundant

Ari Abraham from Philosophie Group Inc. Santa Monica, California talks to Karl Smith, a consultant, and innovator who has said in the past “My desire was not to build things that humans already do but to find out how technology could evolve our human…

#Digital #Transformation is #About #People

Karl Smith will be talking at Digital Transformation 2017 on 23rd Feb Our Dynamic Earth Edinburgh organised by Scot TECH http://www.scot-tech.com/ Digital is about People, not technology. Digital is a response to the desire of people to focus their lives towards…

#Digital #Transformation a #Business #Guide

But we already have Digital, how can it be coming? For the most part what companies have is Technology being sold as Digital Solutions or Digital Strategy, however Being Digital and participating in the Digital Economy is about fundamental change in how your…

#IoT People in #London

#IoT People in #London So I’m putting this list together of some really smart people I’ve come across recently as we all work towards making the open IoT a reality. Michael Bayler, Founder and Director, understands the true impact of IoT…

12 #UX things you need to know

Getting into user experience, what you need to know? What will a person need to be able to do to get into user experience; 1. Can you think? Not the most subtle way to ask, but can you be creative? Thinking…

Welcome to my blog

About Karl Smith Karl Smith works globally with directors, stakeholders and customers of multi-national enterprises across all verticals and technology stacks whose focus is on new concepts and capabilities that drive customer engagement, interaction and retention. He creates digital companies,…