Karl A L Smith

human knowledge belongs to the world


Daily P&L for Finance Risk and London Markets

Some people may be astonished to know that daily profit and loss (P&L) exists let alone the capability to delivery it across multiple separate organisations and entities in an enterprise in a 15 minute increment. Some might ask why would…

Fail Fast, Fail Small to avoid Failing Big and Failing Slow #BusinessAgility

You would think by this late stage in the life of Agile and Agility that the concepts would be well embedded in organisational transformation, people assessments and processes. From my experience I’ve never seen Agile actually fail, I seen people…

#SmartLiving or as we might live with #artificial #intelligence and an open #IoT in a #new #reality

I tend to think of myself as a futurist, I immediately see the possibilities of technologies as part of a much larger ecosystem than the one it is intended for. I look for ways to test and assess “How we might…

#Dependant on #dumb #data and is making #bad #choices? #Douglas #Adams

Data, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence Clients don’t understand their customers, they just think they do! It’s not for the lack of trying or spending millions on developing and building huge data systems, the problems are many but can be traced back…

#Customer #desire leads #disruptive #innovation

A great deal of effort is being spent on customer experience and user experience that misses the point, experience is about desire, not process or fulfilment. Desire drives behaviour Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) proposed the concept of psychological hedonism, which asserts that the…

Silverlight ends in 2021 but Banks still selecting it

I remember being in the discussion at a state owned investment bank when the discussion was being had about which front-end language should be used on their new system interfaces and they choose Silverlight. This choice was known with the…

#Strategic and #lean #thinking in private investment and asset portfolio participants part 2

There are several types of on boarding that relate to both business and investors structure and size, their specific purpose for investing and their local regulatory constraints. The Main Participants I will be focusing on four main participants in this…

Five most #common #failures of business #change and #transformation projects

Ever since transformation and change were linked to technology some of the worst parts of both have been combined on a national level and within major companies. Giving users less functionality than they currently have and telling them it’s a…