Karl A L Smith

human knowledge belongs to the world


Ways of Working Organizational Design Service launched Agile World Inc.

Agile World offers the service of organizational design consultancy, to meticulously define and organize the structure of companies, create job titles, and allocate resources (i.e. personnel) to improve efficiency and increase productivity including ROI.

Amateur Business Agility or Ways of Working will cause Business Carnage

No one would let someone have a go at Brain Surgery yet Company Boards will let both large Blue Chip consultancies (supposedly to manage risk) and Internal Staff (to save money) have a go at Business Agility (Agile Transformation or Ways of Working or Operational Transformation).

Ways of Working Business Agility and Rapid Innovation service offerings proposal for Partner Role

This is the Business Plan I wrote for a Blue Chip Consultancy to adopt Business Agility to deliver New Ways of Working as a new line of business and give me a Partnership. Naturally it does not say how it…

Agile World Market Entry and Capability Building Consulting

Agile World is involved in Strategic, Tactical and Operational market entry and capability building.

Fail Fast, Fail Small to avoid Failing Big and Failing Slow #BusinessAgility

You would think by this late stage in the life of Agile and Agility that the concepts would be well embedded in organisational transformation, people assessments and processes. From my experience I’ve never seen Agile actually fail, I seen people…

Speeding up the Wrong Work DevOps Maturity in Business Decisions #BusinessAgility

It’s a fact that common sense it not that common and is often not a factor except in reflection after the fact. If we could simply learn from each other rather than rely upon a uniqueness agenda, businesses would stop…

Can real #UX be done in a #global #consultancy?

As with Agile, UX has suffered fools having a go and failing. Focusing on titles, roles, activities or outputs misses the essential process that has not been applied by qualified, able and intelligent people who are able to deliver. No…

#UX and #Development cannot exist in the same #Agile workstream

“UX and Development cannot exist in the same Agile workstream” might sound like an outlandish claim but if you fully understand, it’s obvious. Forcing things to work as with the picture above is not a good idea. Can UX be…

#Agile #User #stories is a #UX #method

User stories is another name for a Cognitive Walkthrough I have been involved in Agile for a very long time, mainly because it uses methods from the human computer interaction scientific process (CHI/HCI). Organizational Agility and Business Agility Group (27,000…

#Blended #program #management #Prince and #Agile methods Part 1

Blended Program Management I have been involved in project and program management since 1989 across various sectors and more recently have been focused in banking and finance. I have experience in Prince and Agile methodologies and will expand on the blending…

5 #UX #lies, damn lies and absolute #myths

1. Anyone can do user experience, nope! I meet a lot of people claiming to do user experience, process and deliverables aside, they don’t have a usability background so they cannot do real user experience. User experience is a personal…

Agile Business Management Change Management Investment Banking

Save 35% ££ on banking change, requirements gathering should take no more than six months

Requirements gathering in Banking change programs are over detailed, over long and for the most part undeliverable. There is and has been a huge requirement for change in British banking for several years as senior bankers have sought to lever…

Agile Human Centred Design (HCD) Information Architecture IA Usability User Experience (UX)

Karl Smith Fellow of the British Computer Society

I have just been confirmed as a Fellow of the British Computer Society. Thanks to all my supporters.

When Agile becomes Fragile nobody Wins

I have been an Agile practitioner a very long time, in fact as an Instructional Designer I was very excited when Agile was created based upon Computer Human Interaction methods and thinking. As one complete fully applied process Agile is…